突如其来的超前点映成片大大的映照着那句“Everyone is the Spiderman.” 无论是早期三辑的“凡人英雄梦”还是荷兰弟领衔的靠嘴炮和幽默在出场众多的英雄中被人记住这部电影都借由“每一个”出现或曾经出现甚至是不同影视作品中的蜘蛛侠让观众再一次记起这个角色值得为人喜爱的特质:平凡、真实和质朴我想这就是这部野心并不大的动画片最大的意义所在说回配音A Special Shout Out to 木兰尼“Spider-Ham”配得也太太太可爱了 PS 无论是老爷子的cameo还是片尾彩蛋均蕴含着用心的设计和惊喜绝对是年底前最让人难忘的感动和爆笑的观影环节(国内上映后要二刷)
All this has happened before, and it will all happen again. But this time it happened in London. It happened on a quiet street in Bloomsbury. That corner house over there is the home of the Darling family. And Peter Pan chose this particular house because there were people here who believed in him.